Alice Orru

Alice Orru

Born in the beautiful island of Sardinia, Italy, I’ve always dreamt traveling abroad and fight insularity. After living in different Italian cities and in France, my heart landed in Barcelona, where I lived for almost 4 years, until may 2016. I’m a long-time blogger, an avid reader and a language geek. I have worked as a multi-language customer support agent for WP Media and its WordPress cache plugin, WP Rocket, since September 2015: I’m especially dedicated to Italian, Spanish and French customers. This is my first experience as a customer support agent for an IT company: my previous jobs were more focused on market analysis, online marketing and translations. But since I love embracing new challenges, I’ve been studying WordPress a lot, taking PHP classes and improving my tech-skills – at the end, this is exactly like learning a new language, isn’t it?


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